Facts About Animals

14 Surprising Facts About Animals




When I traveled around the world I learned a lot of strange and amazing things about animals, and some of them are very amazing. In this article I put these facts - which I have heard nothing more than strange and fun - in points. These facts are real in the life of these animals and you can search more and see details about this information.


1- The largest spiders in the world, tarantula can live without food for than two years

2- the nose print of a dog can be used for its identification, they are kind of like finger            prints for us humans and are absolutely unique to each animal,

3- snakes don't blink so don't even try to engage in a staring contest with one of them


4- If you have ever wondered what the most popular name for a goldfish is its jaws, we thought we were so creative, another thing to consider if you are thinking about getting yourself with a goldfish don't keep it in the dark it will turn pale then you will have a pale fish that is not quite as interesting,

5- woodpeckers are extremely efficient they can peck wood times a second how they do not get a splitting headache

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